MES Former Pupils' Guild
mitis et fortis
The Committee
We are currently looking for more people to join the committee, and more specifically, represent the Guild as President. Please contact us to learn more about the role and how you can help make a difference to former pupils of all ages.

President: Claire Cunningham
Claire has been a member of the committee for a number of years and was even on the committee as a pupil representative during her sixth year in 1997. Having experienced the changes within the Guild over the years, Claire is ready to meet the needs of as many members as possible.
With a commercial background in sales and marketing, especially within small and medium-sized businesses, Claire will be planning on using these skills during her tenure as President to ensure that communication between members is maximised.

Immediate Past President: Rachel Sneddon (nee Brown)
Rachel left school in 1995 to study Textiles at Heriot Watt University, Galashiels. After a number of years working within quality control management for a well known clothing brand, after the birth of her first son, she felt the time was right for a career change. So, after a few more years spent gaining experience, Rachel set up her own bridal wear retail business, Rachel Scott Couture, in 2005. After attending a number of the FP networking groups, Rachel was excited by potential for the FP Guild to progress through such events and by joining the Committee in 2010, uses her experiences of school, running her own business and being a mum of two to assist in this development.

Vice President - Caroline Crawford
Caroline attended Mary Erskine’s from 1980 and left in the class of ’93 going on to Aberdeen University. Caroline has many happy memories of her time at Mary Erskine’s, from Carbisdale to her 2A’s and 4B’s and thinks her teachers inspired a passion for life long learning as one of her favourite pastimes now is attending workshops and short courses. Caroline joined the FP Guild Committee because she would like to help run events and encourage more FP’s in her age group to attend. In Caroline’s spare time she likes cooking, reading, walking, playing violin, ice skating, socialising, skiing, sailing and her main passion is travelling.

Committee Member - Susan Murray (nee Anderson)
Honorary Treasurer - Claire Thompson (nee Maxwell)
Claire previously held the role of Guild Coordinator and since stepping down has joined the committee as Honorary Treasurer.

Committee Member - Fiona Lawrence
Fiona left school in 1980 and went on to study Linguistics at Edinburgh University during which time, she was President of the Junior Section of the FP Guild. Having rejoined the committee in 2009, one of Fiona's main responsibilities is the organisation of events for the 25-60 age group, encouraging some of our younger FPs to become more involved in Guild activities. In Fiona's spare time, she enjoys socialising, skiing, singing, all things French.

Committee Member and Guild Archivist - Christine Collingwood
Christine has been involved with the Guild over many years not only a Past President but also our Archivist.
Committee Member - Dorothy Sharp
Dorothy Sharp, an FP and formally a teacher of Mathematics at Mary Erskine is an integral part of the team with her extenisve knowledge of the life of Mary Erskine and further archives.
Committee Member - Kate Tolley
Kate is the newest member of the Guild committee and joins Caroline from the class of '93.
Honorary Presidents: R M Morgan, J N D Gray and Mrs N S Rolls.
Guild Coordinator: Sam Roger.